After 53 years dedicated to helping women and their families overcome life-controlling addictions, we at Adult Teen Challenge Ohio have accumulated many success stories with happy outcomes. But these stories don’t start that way. This story will be forever at the...
In group therapy for substance abuse, people struggling with addiction can learn how they can get support and encouragement to live a full and victorious life. These sessions allow people in recovery to talk about their experiences and problems in a safe and private...
Drug and substance abuse is an addictive behavior that is hard to recover from, and most addicts relapse soon after rehabilitation. The high relapse rate can often be attributed to withdrawal symptoms and peer pressure from friends. However, people can fully recover...
It’s no secret that overcoming addiction is difficult. It’s often said that the hardest part of recovery is simply taking that first step. However, what comes after that? What does the journey to recovery look like? Take a look at the five stages of...
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to everyone from Adult & Teen Challenge Ohio. Wishing you and your family peace, prosperity, and happiness as you enjoy Christmas Day. We appreciate your partnership, your love, and your prayers today and every day!!! God Bless!...
Bowlathon 2021 We had a great turnout on July 10th at Columbus Square Bowling Palace. Many thanks to all the teams that showed up to bowl. There was a lot of noise, laughter, and camaraderie throughout the event while teams raised funds for Adult Teen Challenge Ohio!...
Breaking Free For they will be like a tree planted by the life-giving water. Jeremiah 17 Resurrection Day or Easter Sunday is the most significant event in history. Through His death on the cross, our Lord gave everything so we could receive the gift of...
I have no idea where this phrase originated. “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day, but teach a man to fish, and he can eat for a lifetime.” Clearly, the phrase is full of abundant wisdom. It has been proven time and again at Adult Teen Challenge...
Celebrating Kelli, one of our recent students to complete the Adult Teen Challenge Ohio program. We are so proud of her! Here is Kelli’s story in her own words. “My name is Kelli Jo and I entered Adult and Teen Challenge on January 17, 2019 and I tried to leave on...
Original Post March 13, 2019 | Updated: Sep 26, 2019 We will be launching a fundraising campaign in the Fall of 2019 to break ground and start building the new Josie’s House. You can change the future!Opioid addiction, alcoholism, prescription pills. In all...